Configuring GrowthBook

The default configuration in GrowthBook is optimized for trying things out quickly on a local dev machine. Beyond that, you can customize behavior with Environment Variables and optionally a config yaml file.

Environment Variables

The GrowthBook docker container supports a number of environment variables:

Domains and Ports

This is used to generate links to GrowthBook and enable CORS access to the API.

  • APP_ORIGIN - default http://localhost:3000
  • API_HOST - default http://localhost:3100

If you want to run GrowthBook on a different host than localhost, you need to add the above environment variables to your docker-compose.yml file.

    - APP_ORIGIN=http://<my ip>:3000
    - API_HOST=http://<my ip>:3100

If you need to change the ports on your local dev environment (e.g. if 3000 is already being used), you need to update the above variables AND change the port mapping in docker-compose.yml:

    - "4000:3000" # example: use 4000 instead of 3000 for the app
    - "4100:3100" # example: use 4100 instead of 3100 for the api
    - APP_ORIGIN=http://<my ip or url>:4000
    - API_HOST=http://<my ip or url>:4100

Production Settings

  • NODE_ENV - Set to "production" to turn on additional optimizations and API request logging
  • MONGODB_URI - The MongoDB connection string
  • JWT_SECRET - Auth signing key (use a long random string)
  • ENCRYPTION_KEY - Data source credential encryption key (use a long random string)

Email SMTP Settings

This is required in order to send experiment alerts, team member invites, and reset password emails.

  • EMAIL_ENABLED ("true" or "false")

Google OAuth Settings

Only required if using Google Analytics as a data source


S3 File Uploads

Optional. If not specified, GrowthBook will use the local file system to store uploads.

  • UPLOAD_METHOD (set to "s3" instead of default value "local")
  • S3_REGION (defaults to us-east-1)
  • S3_DOMAIN (defaults to https://${S3_BUCKET}
  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID (not required when deployed to AWS with an instance role)
  • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY (not required when deployed to AWS with an instance role)

Other Settings

  • EXPERIMENT_REFRESH_FREQUENCY - Default update schedule for experiment results. Update when stale for X hours (default 6).
  • QUERY_CACHE_TTL_MINS - How long (in minutes) to cache and re-use SQL query results (default 60)
  • DEFAULT_CONVERSION_WINDOW_HOURS - How many hours after being put into an experiment does a user have to convert. Can be overridden on a per-metric basis. (default 72)
  • DISABLE_TELEMETRY - We collect anonymous telemetry data to help us improve GrowthBook. Set to "true" to disable.


In order to use GrowthBook, you need to connect to a data source and define metrics (and optionally dimensions). There are two ways to do this.

The default way to define these is by filling out forms in the GrowthBook UI, which persists them to MongoDB.

The other option is to create a config.yml file. In the Docker container, this file must be placed at /usr/local/src/app/config/config.yml. Below is an example file:

    type: postgres
    name: Main Warehouse
    # Connection params (different for each type of data source)
      host: localhost
      port: 5432
      user: root
      password: ${POSTGRES_PW} # use env for secrets
      database: growthbook
    # How to query the data (same for all SQL sources)
        - userIdType: user_id
          description: Logged-in user id
        - userIdType: anonymous_id
          description: Anonymous visitor id
          - id: user_id
            name: Logged-in user experiments
            userIdType: user_id
            query: >
                received_at as timestamp,
                context_location_country as country
              - country
          - ids: ["user_id", "anonymous_id"]
            query: SELECT user_id, anonymous_id FROM identifies
    type: binomial
    name: Sign Ups
    userIdType: user_id
    datasource: warehouse
    sql: SELECT user_id, anonymous_id, received_at as timestamp FROM signups
    name: Country
    userIdType: user_id
    datasource: warehouse
    sql: SELECT user_id, country as value from users

Data Source Connection Params

The contents of the params field for a data source depends on the type.

As seen in the example above, you can use environment variable interpolation for secrets (e.g. ${POSTGRES_PW}).

Redshift, ClickHouse, Postgres, and Mysql (or MariaDB)

type: postgres # or "redshift" or "mysql" or "clickhouse"
  host: localhost
  port: 5432
  user: root
  password: password
  database: growthbook

Redshift and Postgres also support optional params to force an SSL connection:

type: postgres
  ssl: true
  # Omit the below fields to use the default trusted CA from Mozilla
  caCert: "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n..."
  clientCert: "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n..."
  clientKey: "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n..."


type: snowflake
  username: user
  password: password
  database: GROWTHBOOK
  schema: PUBLIC
  role: SYSADMIN
  warehouse: COMPUTE_WH


You must first create a Service Account in Google with the following roles:

  • Data Viewer
  • Metadata Viewer
  • Job User

If you want GrowthBook to auto-discover credentials from environment variables or GCP metadata, use the following:

type: bigquery
  authType: auto

If you prefer to pass in credentials directly, you can use this format instead:

type: bigquery
  projectId: my-project
  privateKey: -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nABC123\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n

Presto and TrinoDB

type: presto
  engine: presto # or "trino"
  host: localhost
  port: 8080
  username: user
  password: password
  catalog: growthbook
  schema: growthbook

AWS Athena

type: athena
  accessKeyId: AKIA123
  secretAccessKey: AB+cdef123
  region: us-east-1
  database: growthbook
  bucketUri: aws-athena-query-results-growthbook
  workGroup: primary


Mixpanel access requires a service account.

type: mixpanel
  username: growthbook
  secret: abc123
  projectId: my-project

Google Analytics

Unfortunately at this time there is no way to connect to Google Analytics in config.yml. You must connect via the GrowthBook UI, where we use OAuth and a browser redirect.

Data Source Settings

The settings tell GrowthBook how to query your data.

SQL Data Sources

For data sources that support SQL, there are a couple queries you need to define plus an optional Python script to run queries from inside a Jupyter notebook:

type: postgres
params: ...
  # The different types of supported identifiers
    - userIdType: user_id
      description: Logged-in user id
    - userIdType: anonymous_id
      description: Anonymous visitor id
    # These queries returns experiment variation assignment info
    # One row every time a user was put into an experiment
      - id: user_id
        name: Logged-in user experiments
        userIdType: user_id
        query: >
            received_at as timestamp,
            context_location_country as country
        # List additional columns you selected in your experimentsQuery
        # Can use these to drill down into experiment results
          - country
    # These optional queries map between different types of identifiers
      - ids: ["user_id", "anonymous_id"]
        query: SELECT user_id, anonymous_id FROM identifies
  # Used when exporting experiment results to a Jupyter notebook
  # Define a `runQuery(sql)` function that returns a pandas data frame
  notebookRunQuery: >
    import os
    import psycopg2
    import pandas as pd
    from sqlalchemy import create_engine, text

    # Use environment variables or similar for passwords!
    password = os.getenv('POSTGRES_PW')
    connStr = f'postgresql+psycopg2://user:{password}@localhost'
    dbConnection = create_engine(connStr).connect();

    def runQuery(sql):
      return pd.read_sql(text(sql), dbConnection)


Mixpanel does not support SQL, so we query the data using JQL instead. In order to do this, we just need to know a few event names and properties:

type: mixpanel
params: ...
    experimentEvent: Viewed Experiment
    experimentIdProperty: experiment_id
    variationIdProperty: variation_id


Metrics are what your experiments are trying to improve (or at least not hurt).

Below is an example of all the possible settings with comments:

name: Revenue per User
# Required. The data distribution and unit
type: revenue # or "binomial" or "count" or "duration"
# Required. Must match one of the datasources defined in config.yml
datasource: warehouse
# Description supports full markdown
description: This metric is **super** important
# For inverse metrics, the goal is to DECREASE the value (e.g. "page load time")
inverse: false
# When ignoring nulls, only users who convert are included in the denominator
# Setting to true here would change from "Revenue per User" to "Average Order Value"
ignoreNulls: false
# Which identifier types are supported for this metric
  - user
# Any user with a higher metric amount will be capped at this value
# In this case, if someone bought a $10,000 order, it would only be counted as $100
cap: 100
# Ignore all conversions within the first X hours of being put into an experiment.
conversionDelayHours: 0
# After the conversion delay (if any), wait this many hours for a conversion event.
conversionWindowHours: 72
# The risk thresholds for the metric.
# If risk < $winRisk, it is highlighted green.
# If risk > $loseRisk, it is highlighted red.
# Otherwise, it's highlighted yellow.
winRisk: 0.0025
loseRisk: 0.0125
# Min number of conversions for an experiment variation before we reveal results
minSampleSize: 150
# The "suspicious" threshold. If the percent change for a variation is above this,
#   we hide the result and label it as suspicious.
# Default 0.5 = 50% change
maxPercentChange: 0.50
# The minimum change required for a result to considered a win or loss. If the percent
# change for a variation is below this threshold, we will consider an otherwise conclusive
# test a draw.
# Default 0.005 = 0.5% change
minPercentChange: 0.005
# Arbitrary tags used to group related metrics
  - revenue
  - core

In addition to all of those settings, you also need to tell GrowthBook how to query the metric.

SQL Data Sources

For SQL data sources, you just need to specify a single query. Depending on the other settings, the columns you need to select may differ slightly:

  • timestamp - always required
  • value - required unless type is set to "binomial"

Plus, you need to select a column for each identifier type the metric supports.

A full example:

type: duration
  - user_id
  - anonymous_id
sql: >
    created_at as timestamp,
    duration as value

And a simple binomial metric that only supports logged-in users:

type: binomial
  - user
sql: SELECT user_id, timestamp FROM orders

By default, if a user has more than 1 non-binomial metric row during an experiment, we sum the values together. You can override this behavior with the aggregation setting:

type: duration
  - user_id
sql: >
    created_at as timestamp,
    duration as value
aggregation: MAX(value) # use MAX instead of the default SUM


For Mixpanel, instead of SQL we just need some info about what events and properties to use.

Here's a simple binomial metric:

type: binomial
# The event name
table: Purchased

Any metric can have optional conditions as well:

type: binomial
# The event name
table: Purchased
# Only include events which pass these conditions
  - column: category # property
    operator: "=" # "=", "!=", ">", "<", "<=", ">=", "~", "!~"
    value: clothing

For count, duration, and revenue metrics, it will count the number of events per user by default:

type: count
# Event name to count
table: Page views

You can instead specify a javascript expression for the value of the event. By default, it will sum these values for each user:

# A "Revenue per user" metric
type: revenue
# The event name
table: Purchases
# The metric value that will be summed

If you don't want to sum, you can also provide a custom aggregation method that reduces an array of values into a single number (or null). For example, here's a metric that counts the number of unique files downloaded per user

type: count
# The event name
table: PDF Downloads
# The "value" of the metric (the file name)
# The aggregation operation (number of unique values)
aggregation: new Set(values).size


Dimensions let you drill down into your experiment results. They are currently only supported for SQL data sources.

Dimensions only have 4 properties: name, datasource, userIdType, and SQL. The SQL query must return two columns: the identifier type and value.


name: Country
# Must match one of the datasources defined in config.yml
datasource: warehouse
userIdType: user_id
sql: SELECT user_id, country as value FROM users

Organization Settings

In addition to data sources, metrics, and dimensions, you can also control some organization settings from config.yml.

Below are all of the currently supported settings:

    # Enable creating experiments using the Visual Editor (beta).  Default `false`
    visualEditorEnabled: true
    # Minimum experiment length (in days) when importing past experiments. Default `6`
    pastExperimentsMinLength: 3
    # Number of days of historical data to use when analyzing metrics
    # (must be between 1 and 400, default `90`)
    metricAnalysisDays: 90
    # The min percent of users exposed to multiple variations in an
    # experiment before we start warning you (between 0 and 1, defaults to `0.01`)
    multipleExposureMinPercent: 0.01
    # When we should auto-update experiment results
      type: stale
      hours: 6

The updateSchedule setting has 3 types of values:

  • Never update automatically
      type: never
  • Update if data is X hours stale
      type: stale
      hours: 6
  • Update on a fixed Cron schedule
      type: cron
      cron: "0 */6 * * *"